
Go to the ABOUT page and click on Have a Listen! Our recruitment video will give you a good idea of the life of the choir. If you want to know even more , here are some frequently asked questions:
What can I expect at my first rehearsal ?
You will be warmly welcomed by our Chairman Phil and the rest of the choir, usually there will be  about 25 singers at each rehearsal. The rehearsal will be conducted by our musical director Deborah, assisted by one of our piano accompanists Margaret or Zina. You can just listen for a while if you like, we will give you a folder with our current repertoire, you can review this, and join in when you feel ready..
Our choir has four sections; Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Baritone and Bass.  You may know which section wil siut you best or you may not, we can help you decide and even after a few weeks if you feel a different section would siut you better, you can change.
We are a friendly group, some of our members have only been in the choir for a couple of years so the joining process is still quite recent for them, while others have been in the choir for many years, you will find us all supportive to you.
Will I be given sheet music ?
Yes, we will loan you a folder containing our current repertoire, yours to use while you are in the choir. This will enable you to learn words and also read music if you have that skill, if not then you can learn by ear.
Is there any other learning support ?
We have rehearsal tracks on this website and these allow you to learn new material and practice outsde of rehearsal times.
What can I expect at future rehearsals ?
At most rehersals we learn some new material and refine and improve our knowledge of songs we already know. As we get near to a concert date, we will focus entirely on the songs we intend to perform.
When will I sing in my first concert?
All new members learn at their own pace, some are quicker than others, when you feel that you are ready and it is eveident that you know our repertoire our musical director will invite you to sing in a concert.
Is a uniform provided?
Yes, we loan you a uniform it is a smart blue blazer, shirt and tie, it is yours to use while you are a member of the choir.
Is there a social aspect to the choir?
There is, and you can be involved as much as you like. It could be a drink after a rehearsal or concert, joining in with organisational aspects of choir life or travelling to other parts of Britain or abroad to perform. When travelling with the choir many members bring their wives, partners, family members or friends and they are always most welcome.
What will it cost?
Our annual member donation is £120. Only payable after you have decided to join the choir and pro-rata if you join part way through a year.
Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Barrow Male Voice Choir